Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poverty Statistics

This chart shows poverty rates for U.S populations by race, gender, and age.
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Solutions to Poverty

Poverty can be defined as having little or no money. People living in poverty own a few, or no material possessions. Over half the world lives on less than 2 dollars a day. Over 1 billion people, live on less than 1 dollar a day. Over 750 million people, are undernourished. So what’re these statistics saying to us? That these people are just unfortunate? Or should these statistics be a wakeup call to the community? Hundreds of people die every single day due to lack of nutrition. These people are unable to provide food to their families, because of their low income. So how can we help these people in need? Well, there have been multiple solutions proposed. Seven ways we can help reduce poverty include:
1.       Increase access to education
2.       Increase access to safe water

3.       Give poor people access to credit

4.       Involve the media

5.       Volunteer your time and skills

6.       Sponsor an orphan

7.       Buy fair trade products

Listed above are some simple solutions that will help decrease poverty around the world. Lack of education seems to be a main factor of poverty. A child unable to receive quality education keeps them from obtaining a job, which would lift their families out of poverty. Donating money to organizations such as, The Dewan Foundation, would provide better education to children in Central America. Another way we can reduce poverty, is buying fair trade products. Buying fair trade products would allow the money to be returned to the farmers who grow them. Fair trade cannot save the world, but it does do some good. Sponsoring an Orphan is believed to be “the key in reducing poverty.” Sponsoring a child means you will be connected with one specific child, who you will write, nourish, and take care of. You can sponsor a child for as little as 22 dollars a month. There are great organizations like Children International, Christian Child Sponsor, and Child fund International, where you can adopt a child. These are just some of the many ways that you can help reduce poverty. So take a stand, and reach out to the people in need.

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The End of Poverty

World Bicycle Relief

So what's our opinion?

Poverty around the world is a growing problem that does not seem to be coming to an end anytime soon. Poverty is something that is bigger than all of us put together.  There are countless charities, and organizations to help support people in need, however we have to come together as a community in order to fix the issue. Rebecca and I, explored the possible solutions in helping reduce poverty, and has inspired the both of us to take on some of the solutions proposed. Poverty needs to be reduced, and everyone making an effort to stop it, helps the world as a whole.

Check out these links!
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